Failure just a little part of life. Everyone can handle world

Do what you rarely DO!

June 11, 2009

Kebiasaan tidak baik

Pengen cerita sedikit nih tentang kebiasaan berbahaya gw klo lagi nebeng orang di motornya. Apalagi klo bukan tidak memakai helm.

YAP! Sebenarnya gw orangnya safety bgt klo di mobil, always using seatbelt sejak mobil akan mulai berjalan. tapi klo soal motor, kenapa males bgt ya? nekat bgt sih! gw kadang takut kena razia polisi. serem kan yaaaa, kan kasian yg boncengin gw. padahal dulu mau deket jg, gw biasanya pake helm. sekarang karena biasanya gw nyusul nyokap, dia paling ga bawa helm. nebeng agus jg ga bawa helm buat si penumpang. dianter kakak ke tempat les jg ga pake helm. grrrrr! ngeri men apalagi klo sama Agus. takut ada yg lepas kyknya hahaha

ini dia nih kesayangan si papa bear (setelah mama bear tentunya-red)

Motornya segede ini, yg bawain juga segede beruang (lebay), udah gitu ngebut lagi. Dijamin rambut langsung kusut hahaha makasih ya pak atas tumpangan2nya ... '''')

Cuma ada cerita bodoh 2 hr lalu. Pulng dari tempat les kan mau nebeng sama Agus sampe depan komplek tbi. Nah salahnya ini manusia ga tau diri (baca: Naufal) nebeng dia duluan hahaha alhasil biar ga bolak balik kita bertiga aja tuh di motor atas ini. Gw ditengah sementara dengan dong dong nya Naufal yang duduk paling di belakang, menghadap ke belakang! Asli ini ajaib banget, soalnya gw jg ga duduk tapi agak2 berdiri layaknya orang gila mau kampanye hihiihihi. sepanjang jalan yg cuma 30 sekian detik itu, si orang belakang selalu bergumam "Ashtagfirullah aladzim...". gimana ga ketawa coba? kocak dah lu tkg minyak! udah gitu berhenti di belakang mobil polisi di depan komplek tbi. Unforgettable with you two, papa bear and the son ;''')

Setelah itu nyusul mama, dan pulangnya ga pake helm! Ga kapok daaaah lo Ras! belum kena getahnya aja nih hehehehehe wish me always in safe.

P.S. : Nulis ini dengan perasaan kocar kacir senang riang tp sekaligus takuuuut. Makasih ya Allah buat semuanya .... Aku ga sabar tunggu kabar baik selanjutnya. Love you Salim's family berrry much!

June 07, 2009

God, let me be what is the best for YOU. Not because what i really want

2 hari kemarin tes umb. Serius, gw langsung ngebet pengen nulis lagi disini. tapi masih terlalu banyak pikiran aja dan masih mandek. I believed that i did my best, but all i can say is i want more! Yeah, that's human. That's me, someone who never satisfy with everything. So, aku menyerahkan semua padamu. Terlebih untuk angkatanku 09 ya Allah.
Bulan ini sepertinya begitu hectic, tapi yeah aku mengharapkan menjadi bulan yang indah sebelum kami menuju masa depan. Bisa dibayangkan ga, tgl 12 pengumuman USM ITB, 13 pengumuman UAN. Too close! Gw bener-bener pengen semua temen-teman gw yang ikut usm bisa diterima disana (Amin), gw percaya mereka sudah berjuang maksimal untuk tes di bandung. Begitupun dengan gw di umb kemarin. Ya Allah, seandainya aku boleh berteriak mengeluh. Aku capek. SNMPTN masih 3 minggu dan dibenak gw adalah yaudalah gausah belajar tinggal diasah aja analisa. TAPI GW GABOLEH GITU! Aku berharap diberikan jalan pd tgl 29. Aku berharap itu yang terbaik dari-MU dan untuk-Mu bagiku.

May 19, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

Just watched this extremely-amazing movie! I said YUMMY esp. for Ben hohoho ;''') What can i say about this movie with ben affleck on it? Meskipun dia keluar tidak banyak. tapi melted banget deh. Like Aniston said, "More than a husband." Takut dengan komitmen tapi selalu ingin memberikan apa yang orang disayanginya inginkan. Dapet dimana coba laki-laki kayak begitu? hmm ckckck i always adore him. His way.

And also i love Kevin Conolly here. I just love Entourage for about a month. Some ending episodes in season 5. It's quite good because maybe kind of rare to find a series like this. Unique series, fast dialog, simple story yet entertaining. Can't wait to buy season 1-4! (i must saving from now). Untung HBO nayangin lagi dr awal season 5.

This movie actually based on a novel. Highly recommended for woman! You must love it. Justin Long played very good although not connect with Drew. lol. But he's Mitha's favorite with Kevin too. We oftenly have same taste. xoox

So how's holiday so far? Kinda boring, but yes i should to love it. I meant, i must! Study again makes me sick, but well i know i can handle world so this is not a big problem for me. Hope us luck! (always)

PS: Dufan's story later ya after UMB thingy

May 16, 2009

Desperately, but goes on

beberapa foto mereka waktu di Israel

Somebody please explain me! ahuhuhuhu she's just 6 years older than you, but i'm happy for you both. Like people said, "magical chemistry". I felt that in slumdog tp ga sampe seterusnya gw pikir haha baru tahu awal mei padahl foto ini udah dari akhir april. Udah sebulanan berarti ya? hahaha

"After much speculation about the nature of the relationship involving Slumdog Millionaire stars Dev Patel and Freida Pinto, Patel's mother Anita has confirmed to a British newspaper that the pair are very much a couple. "First it was the film and now everything else seems to have slotted into place," Mrs. Patel is quoted as saying in Monday's Daily Mirror. "Life can't get any better for him. Freida is really beautiful, and I am really happy for them." Her comments come just days after Patel, 19, jetted to Israel to spend a whirlwind date with the Mumbai beauty, 24. "Yes, we knew he was flying to Israel to see her," said Patel's mother.

The pair rendezvoused in Tel Aviv as Pinto took time off from filming her latest movie in Jerusalem. The couple spent a few hours together in a hotel before emerging for a stroll around the harbor and an early champagne dinner at a seaside restaurant. Onlookers said Pinto couldn't keep her hands off Patel. The couple spent their time at the table smooching and holding hands to the delight of a group of Japanese tourists who happened to pass by. Shortly afterwards, Patel hopped a taxi to the airport to fly back to London, while Pinto returned to her base at the American Colony Hotel in East Jerusalem" Source

AAAAAAA cant you believe it? Udah dapet restu pula! Ah kuburan band! Yauda deh ditunggu Avatarnya ya Mas!
Hmm, mau request nih, ada yg mau beliin gw dvd original slumdog ga? Desperately want it nih fitur2nya bagus. Mau liat interview2nya juga apalagi yang proses membuat kotoran "maaf" yang di kubangan itu yang pas mau nemuin Amitabh Bachan dengan selai kacang dan coklat. Please?

terus terus kanan bang kanan, masih jauh bang jauh ;'''''')


May 02, 2009

Cant help this fever

As a girl (ehm), gw jujur suka belanja, tapi karena dana, i have to stop it. For this few months, gw jd ga up date bahkan senderung kuno banget. Terutama musik (@#$%^). Oh well, aku ingin segera dapat kuliah Ya Allah dan tidak ingin merepotkan orang tua terlalu lama ;'''(

I believe that ada saatnya nanti gw akan bisa beli barang-barang yang gw pengenin. Everything! dan gw harus sukses dulu buat menuhin semua itu. Berjuang untuk kemaslahatan seumur hidup. What a life ...
That's why, untuk memenuhi (sekadar) hasrat belanja itu, now, it's quite easy to find fashion blogs. I always love, so i decided to have an acoount there. Tujuan utama adalah looking some stuff under $50! So yipie yuhuuu .... ;D

Like Dian Sastro's said, style is about the shoes. Gw suka aja ngeliatnya tapi sekedar suka, bukan buat dipakai. Gw suka yang datar-datar aja lah biar ga pegel ;''''). Start from here, people!

1. $ 26.80 $ 19.99 3. $19.50. OMG shocked!

1. $22.80 2. $ 23.99 3. $39.99. Too cute to be true!

1. $42.99 2. $ 29.72 3. $ 34.50

1. $24.80 2. $28.80

God, the gray the better the best! But that modcloth is tooo cute to be true for me.
Cant handle myself for all this stuff.

May 01, 2009

Some of

Not in mood to write about this kind of hectic months.

001. Real name ? Laras Pratiwi
002. Like it ? Not really, but thanks God
003. Nickname(s)? Laras, Labong, Jambang
004. Status ? --
005. Zodiac sign ? Aquamarine
006. Male or female ? f
007. Elementary ? SDS Bhakti Tugas Pasming, Jakarta
008. Middle School ? SMPN 1115 Jakarta
009. High School ? SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta
010. Hair color ? Sirius Black
011. Long or short ? shoulder
012. Eye color ? Darky brown
013. Weight ? 47 kg
014. Height ? 155 cm ;'''''''''(
015. Righty or lefty ? r
016. Loud or Quiet ? Loud
017. Sweats or Jeans ? jeans
018. Phone or Camera ? both aja
019. Health freak ? not really
020. Piercings ? ears
021. Do you have a crush on someone ? waiting
022. Eat or Drink ? both
023. Purse or Backpack ? purse
024. Tattoos ? no
025. Do You Like Yourself ? half of
026. Current worry ? College & future thingy

027. Orange or Apple Juice ? OJ
028. Night or Day ? night
029. Sun or Moon ? Sun
030. TV or Internet ? both
031. PlayStation or XBox? not both
032. Kiss or Hug ? Hug
033. Iguana or Turtle ? i dont like reptile
034. Spider or Bee ? noo
035. Fall or Spring ? Spring
036. Limewire or iTunes ? both
037. Soccer or Baseball ? soccer for sureee

038. First surgery ? alhamdulillah belum pernah
039. First piercing ? ears
040. First best friend ? Nurin Imanina
041. First Sport ? laughing haahaha
042. First award ? lomba mewarnai waktu tk masuk majalah
043. First crush ? h..m..
044. First pet ? --
045. First big vacation ? Bali
046. First big birthday ? 8th birthday at my house

047. Eating ? no now
048. Drinking ? no now
049. I'm about to ? still waiting...
050. Listening to ? vierra- playlist sctv
051. Singing ? just listening
052. Typing ? unmeaning
053. Waiting for ? university tests

054. Want kids ? i do
055. When ? 2017
56. Want to get married? yo yo
057. When ? 2015-2016 AMIN
058. Where Do You Want To Live ? Jakarta
059. Careers in mind ? Sri Mulyani's follower
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little ? Doctor !@#$%^&*
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? mewild. between hahaha
062. Something You Would Never Try ? drugs, free sex, alkohol
063. Lips or eyes ? eyes
064. Shorter or taller? taller i hopeee
065. Romantic or spontaneous ? both
066. Nice stomach or nice arms ? all aspec
067. Sensitive or loud? both
068. Hook-up or relationship ?relationship
069. Trouble maker or hesitant ? idk
070. Hugging or Kissing ? hugging
071. Tan Skinned or Light ? apa aja dah
072. Dark or Light Hair ? dark hair
073. Muscular or Normal ? normal

074. Lost glasses/contacts ? using no glasses
075. Ran away from home ? none
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense ? no
077. Killed somebody ? nope
078. Broken someone's heart ? idk
079. Been arrested ? nope
080. Cried when someone died ? oftenly
081. Kissed A Stranger ? NOT
082. Climbed Up A Tree ? i have never
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend ? usually hahaha

084. Yourself ? i do
085. Miracles ? of course
086. Love at first sight ? i just believe chemistry at some sight
087. Heaven ? and Hel
088. Santa Claus ? idc
089. Kiss on the first date ? no

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now ? not only one
091. Do You Like Someone ? falling again i guess
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life ? Why not?
093. Do you believe in God ? 100000%!

094. Recieved/Sent Text Message ? IM3
095. Received Call ? forgot
096. Call Made ? forgot
097. Comment On MySpace ? dont have it
098. Missed Call ? forgot
099. Person You Hung out With ? Friends at school
100. Post as 100 truths and tag : Me

March 24, 2009

This Fever

Sejak sebulan lalu. Sejak Red Carpet Academy Awards at Kodak Theatre. Ini semua salah Slumdog Millionaire! Ga sih, salahnya Dev Patel banget nih sial bisa samaan suka sama doi bareng temen sebangku gw! I didn’t know why, gatau cuma suka aja padahal ganteng juga ga juga ah. Sampe gabisa nahan dan punya impian akan ke Inggris (impian dr smp) untuk memburunya selain daripada Jamie, Nigella, and Alexa Chung. Terus ngobrolin Dev juga sm british stuff expert itu teman baikku. Dan ternyata Annya suka juga hahaha then she said that Skins was so damn good ya. Different from American series. Yang ini lebih real, dan lebih asik. And you can see this 18 soon to be 19 years old boy (damn, seumuran!) naked here as Anwar Kharral HAHAHA lol tapi harap hati-hati ya nontonnya.
Padahal dulu gw under estimate banget loh sama Slumdog karena ngalahin Benjamin Button di Golden Globe. At first, I thought “what the hell Slumdog is? ”. Ketara banget gitu kan Ben Button kerennya. Tapi yah mungkin udah biasa. Justru yang ga biasa itu yah Slumdog. Honestly, seandainya Jakarta mau dibuat film yang kayak gitu, gw yakin kok film itu bisa dpt appreciate yang bagus dari luar.
Kesukaan akan Slumdog dan Dev Patel made me remember about my childhood. Bollywood. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Mohhabattein, and Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gam. Hahaha asli deh sampe endingnya Slumdog aja masih suka nyangkut di otak gw. Aduh, doain yaaa Slumdog masih ada di Blitz sampe Juni soalnya gw br nonton by dvd yang ga asoy geboy kurang sedap gitu.
Dev Patel successfully made me crazy! Sampe gw nyari ke periplus majalah People yang covernya dia. But when I checked it from, itu buka People amrik kayaknya. Terus download interview-interview dia di beberapa talk show, and because of this, I started to feel some jeaulous with Freida Pinto uuuu you so lucky girl.
Yah pokoknya, wish me luckkk yaaa. See you next month :---‘)

March 14, 2009

Please Give this efforts a chance

This is trully my biggest wish of the year. Pleeaaase God, give me that public university! cause i dont want to make my parents waste much money in my college life. i want to be independent. i want to make them happy, bigger for myself. please, erase this laziness. please, give me a chance to make them proud of me. please, give me a sureness of my soul & my science skill. And please, give my family all the best ;----) Let this afforts answer it.